Policy for Safeguarding Children

Policy for Safeguarding Children

Parish of St Marys Shephall in the Church of England Diocese of St Albans

We are committed to implementing a safeguarding children policy and accepting the Church of England Policy Protecting All God’s Children (4th edition 2010) and to be responsive to local parish requirements.

  • We will review and endorse the safeguarding policies annually so that all members are aware of their responsibilities.
  • The highest standards will be maintained in all the Church’s contacts with children and young people and adult volunteers will be given appropriate support and opportunities for training.
  • We will respond without delay to every complaint made that a child or young person for whom we are responsible may have been harmed.
  • This Parish will co‐operate fully with the statutory agencies in every situation and will not conduct its own investigations.
  • We will seek to offer informed pastoral care to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse.
  • We will care for and supervise any member of our church community known to have offended against a child.
  • The PCC acknowledges its responsibility for all work with children and young people done in the name of the Church and requires all those engaged in such work to be properly appointed and supported in accordance with the Church of England Practice Guidance: Safer Recruitment (July 2016).

We have appointed as our Parish Safeguarding Co‐ordinator    Elaine Dougherty

Tel. –  07900481159               Email  – Elaine.dougherty54@gmail.com